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Current Photography Classes and Workshops

We offer a wide variety of classes and workshops both in-person and online.





Please Note: Cancellation Policy

Students are asked to provide at least 24 hour notice when an appointment cannot kept.  

When a lesson is cancelled with less than 24 hour notice, students have the option of rescheduling for a $10 rescheduling fee.    If no make-up session is scheduled, however, the full amount of the missed lesson will still be charged.


Exceptions in the case of emergencies will be determined by Owen on a case by case basis.



DSLR Fundamentals Tutorials

Below are descriptions of the basic units of our curriculum available to students ranging from beginner to advanced.  Most units are five lessons and include a set of assignments designed to give practice in targeted skills with opportunities to get feedback from the instructor so that you learn from your experiences.


Just give a call and  we can set up individual sessions to keep you moving forward with your photography.

 Call (610)-626-7854 for details.


DSLR Fundamentals 1
Camera Operations

This digital photography class for beginners is for students who are ready to move their DLSR cameras from automatic to manual. In these digital photography lessons you will learn to control the functions of your camera so that you can take pictures that reflect your own eye and style. The photography teacher uses in-depth presentations and demonstrations to teach the basic principles of

1)  ISO (light sensitivity)
2)  shutter speed
3)  f-stop
4) white balance
5)  lighting for great pictures

Assignments and in-class feedback are important parts of this course. Start discovering the amazing potential of digital photography!

Cost:  $200 for set of five lessons

Location:  Lansdowne, PA





DSLR Fundamentals 2

This digital photography class is for students who have learned the basic functions of their DSLR cameras and want to move forward in exploring the the possibilities of digital photography. The photography teacher will review and solidify your understanding of exposure, focus and white balance.  New topics and photography tips introduced will be night photography, portraits, still life and landscape photography.  We will also go more deeply into how to compose really satisfying and artistic images.  By the end of this course students will notice their increasing confidence with their digital cameras and will be ready to enter intermediate level courses.

Cost:  $200 for set of five lessons
Location: Lansdowne, PA




DSLR Fundamentals 3

Taking photography beyond the subject, this course encourages you see the artistic and compositional opportunities in everyday life. Explore the abstract and formal elements of composition: line, shape, texture, and form and see how light and space can be used to amplify affects. Issues covered will include: framing,  2-D and 3-D abstraction, the role of geometry in  composition, use of negative space, and composing using the human form. Here is a chance for your right brain to come out and play!

Cost:  $200 for set of five lessons
Location:  Lansdowne PA



DSLR Fundamentals 4
the Genres

Students who are comfortable with how their cameras work are ready for the next critical step:  lighting.  In this course you will explore sophisticated means of  controlling both natural and artificial light for portraits, landscape and still life. Students will learn how effective lighting techniques can sculpt form, and reveal texture.  You will discover the exceptional beauty of high key and low key photography.  And you will apply these new methods to setting up and lighting a "Film Stills" scene, just like a movie cinematographer. And all of this on a budget - using the least expensive equipment possible!

Cost:  $200 for set of five lessons
Location:  Lansdowne




Advanced Photography

    What interests you?  What looks good to you?  What stimulates your curiosity?  What makes you smile, or even laugh?  What provokes you?  As you consider your work, what themes emerge?  These are the things that add up to creating your personal style as an artist.  In this class in advanced photography you will explore these questions as they apply to your pictures.  As you solidify your understanding of yourself as a photographer your work will assume an identity of its own.  

    Using self-generated assignments and in-depth critiques we will help you move forward in your work.  

As for all our advanced classes, dates and times are arranged by polling interested students.  Email or call (610) 626 -7854 if interested and we'll take it from there.

Location:  Lansdowne PA
Cost:  $200 for five lessons



Advanced Class Special Offering

Photo Assignments from Art History

(5 Sessions)

This is not an Art History class; rather, looking at the paintings and sculptures of different figures and schools in Art History, we will develop photographic assignments.  Students will be challenged to draw inspiration from examples from Art History to create new work.  For example, without relying on computer manipulation, we might exploit depth of field and soft focus to capture the style and atmosphere of an Impressionistic landscape.  Or we may use forced perspective and wide angle lenses to capture the uniquely elongated look of a Giocometti sculpture.  Or we may use advanced lighting techniques to replicate the feel of a candle-lit interior by de La Tour.  The possibilities are endless....


For our advanced classes scheduling is arranged according to the needs of the participants.  If you are interested, email or give us a call and we will start the process of picking the best dates and times

Cost:  $150



New Two-Session Class

Editing 101

"The negative is the score, the print is the performance" Ansle Adams.

The masters knew how to get the absolute most out the negative using dark room techniques such as adjusting contrast, dodging and burning, and cropping.  Today we have an even more powerful array of editing options to bring out our pictures' full potential.  This class is an introduction to basic editing adjustments, including straightening, cropping, color correction, histograms, exposure, contrast.... it's a long list, but with a little instruction you will be able to realize your visions and produce pictures worthy of printing.  Also essential for preparing images for books and websites.

To schedule call (610) 626 - 7854 or


Cost $100


Two-Part Photo Workshop: Looking for Light Indoors

Light is an equal partner with subject and background.  Understanding and managing light indoors (both natural and artificial) will bring life and depth to interiors, portraits and still lifes.   In this workshop as you  develop your aware of the qualities of indoor light (direct vs diffused, angle etc) you will have new tools to create the affects and mood you want.

 First Session:  Discussion of equipment and technical matters   Thursday  2/13  7:00 - 8:30

Second Session:  Share your work from the intervening week  Thursday   2/20  7:00 - 8:30

Cost: $85



Individual Private Photography Lessons
Scheduled at your convenience
These private photography tutorials
take place at my photo studio in Lansdowne, PA.
In-home photo lessons are also available within a 10 radius.  Sessions are customized according to your interests.  Some students choose to take one or two private photography lessons before enrolling in a  more advanced photography class.  Anot
her use of private lessons is to create a Photo Book of any subject you like.  Other students use this format for guidance in preparing a photo portfolio, setting up photography shows, or entering photography competitions.

Cost:  $50/hour (extra for travel time)
         $200/ for set of five lessons





Special Projects

Scheduled at your convenience.

If you are working on a special photography project and need support in solving specific problems, a consultation may be appropriate.  You may not be interested in learning everything about photography, but  need  targeted professional guidance in learning to photograph a product, an event, or a site etc.

Cost:  $50/hour



F 1
Advanced Photography
F 3
F 4
F 2
Photo Workshops
Private Lessons
Editing 101
Art History
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